We definitely need a word for it! I think I’ve mentioned this to you before that something that I truly love to look at is people in a museum looking at art and I always feel like the image of them from the back speaks volumes about the emotional response to the art and I have a folder on mycomputer of these kinds of pictures. The other is people taking communion in a church when they walk up to the altar and watching them from behind, each person looks different as they approach and there’s something about it that tugs at my heart.

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There is so much to 'read' in the back view of a person, if you're attuned to it. You're right, museum visitors and communion takers are particularly 'informative' and moving. Having no access to their faces removes any distracting input such as a natural scowl, or bored expression.

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I’ve always felt that each view is so individual. I’ve always been astonished by how much you can read into that view of people focused on doing something ahead of them. I’ve always loved it.

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I think concentration can be discerned as an aura.

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